ZimaR-1000 – is a deep-sea version of the Zima ultrashort baseline navigation system, that is specifically designed to work at depths of up to 1000 m.
The device is intended for receiving telecontrol signals from the base station, transmitting telemetry data to the base station, and determining direction both to the beacon (for the base station) and to the base station (for the beacon), as well as determining mutual distance.
The device is supplied with the set of PC-boards for installation inside the Customer’s normobaric housing and is completed with a hydroacoustic antenna to depths of up to 1000 m.
The system requires a depth measurement of the current position of the beacon. The following options are possible:
Extremely small size, low power consumption, and ease of use make the Zima navigation system an ideal device for interworking with AUVs and ROVs.